It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen. Allow me to make your idea come alive.


My name is Parm Sandhu. I'm a Web Designer & Developer

My Portfolio

It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen. Allow me to make your idea come alive.


My name is Parm Sandhu. I'm a Web Designer & Developer

My Portfolio

It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen. Allow me to make your idea come alive.


My name is Parm Sandhu. I'm a Web Designer & Developer

My Portfolio

It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen. Allow me to make your idea come alive.


My name is Parm Sandhu. I'm a Web Designer & Developer

My Portfolio

About me

Professional UI/UX designer and web developer based out of Northern Virginia. I Specialize in creating interactive experiences and user-friendly interfaces while maintaining semantic, clean markup and SEO friendly code.

Parm Sandhu

Web designer & Developer From NOVA

I do not work for the sake of process or budget. I believe that without faith in the idea, great results can't be achieved. By understanding and believing in your idea I strive to add meaning. It, in return, adds value. And with this value the product grows. The business drives design.

I turn ideas into interactive digital experiences through a design process that consists of Planning, Wireframing, Prototyping & Testing. With these simple steps, the final product always turns out great.

My Portfolio
About Me
Finished Projects
Happy Customer
Working Weeks
Cups of Coffee


Showing prospective employers what I have accomplished in the positions I've held.

Northrop Grumann


Sr. UI/UX designer & Developer

Showcase simple design solutions for complex problems using UI models, conceptual diagrams, user stories, wireframes, storyboards, visual mockups, and simple prototypes. Build and maintain a design language system with UX principles, interaction patterns, UI components, and functional specifications for internal developers. Managed the design process by setting people’s expectations, driving decisions, and tracking issues. Articulate design work and rationale to teams, peers, and executives for review and feedback. .

Intel Corporation


UI/UX Designer & Develorer

Presented work across the design, UX, and development teams – with oversight from others on the Design team. Worked on an Agile (Scrum) Development Team to deliver regular updates to business team and project managers.

  • Define the right interaction model and evaluate its success.
  • Develop wireframes and prototypes around customer needs.
  • Responsible for the overall layout design, color scheme of the web site using HTML5, XHTML, CSS3 and responsible for creating detailed wire frames and process flows.
  • Communicate design ideas and prototypes to developers.

Capital One


Front End Designer

Partnered with product and technology teams to ensure delivery of user experiences in a manner that is on-time, within budget, and of sufficient quality to meet or exceed internal/external expectations, which includes share research findings and serving as a voice of the user to help inform product decisions.

  • Develop new user-facing features.
  • Build reusable code and libraries for future use.
  • Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs.
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My Resume


A few things that explain my services and ballpark prices.

  • Develop / User inerface
  • Photography / Flayers
  • Marketing / Research
390-1250 $


Building something meaningful has long been my unreachable itch, and is something I have been making conscious efforts to try to scratch. Meaningful, although easy to expect, is difficult to realise; it implies there is an intrinsic idea that will transpire into a tool that other people will actually use. Actual people. Not friends, colleagues, clients or pets. Real people.

You may well be the shit-hot designer or developer on the scene that everyone is talking about, but if you have arrived to where you are now without producing something meaningful, and only you can ask yourself that question. Now is the time to stop what you're doing and channel how good you are into ticking that desirable life box.

  • Research / Develop
  • User inerface / Photography
  • Flayers / Marketing
190-250 $

Graphic design

My imagination has always been an incredible driving force in my life, and has done and still does have influence on almost everything I do. It has always been the most natural and easiest way for me to express myself. Putting pencil, brush, or clay on a blank canvas and bringing something I or somebody has envisioned to life for others to enjoy and marvel at. When reading a book I immerse myself into the characters and environments, often sketching out a great scene with great emotion and gestures. I often get people approach me to design them a logo, tattoos or paint something for room decoration, offers I always jump at.

It wasn’t until recently however, that I have thought about pursuing art as a career; it’s been a dream my whole life, a dream that I never thought could really come true. For me, to be able to have a career in art is like winning the Lottery. But with support from people around me admiring my sketches, sculpting’s and random musings and a fresh and yet more mature perspective on life, I believe it’s about time I took a “leap of faith”. Looking forward, I am excited and have an incredible drive to see where the future may take me!

  • Flayers / Branding
  • Marketing / Develop
  • User inerface / Photography
1190-2250 $


Beyond just a memorable logo, good branding increases the value of a company, provides employees with direction and motivation, and makes acquiring new customers easier. So what exactly is a brand?

The short answer is: everything.

A brand represents the sum of people’s perception of a company’s customer service, reputation, advertising, and logo. When all of these parts of the business are working well, the overall brand tends to be healthy. On the flip side, we all probably know a company that offers excellent products or services, but has a tarnished brand due to poor customer service.

  • Develop / Marketing
  • User inerface / Photography
  • Flayers / Research
100-3250 $

Web Design

Designers need to know about aspects of a website that can and can't be achieved through development and why. Designers need to be able to produce and present prototypes that can be iterated and tweaked within the browser, eradicating the waste of time that is producing high fidelity comps. If designers need to go right, developers need to budge left too. Developers need to consult with designers in regards to how a website design might adjust depending on the screen size. How many designers design an individual comp for a mobile or tablet viewport? I would be shocked if any - this task is notoriously left to the developer. Developers also need to adapt their code to suit the content a client has provided four weeks late and iterate quickly to accommodate such a change. It just makes so much more sense to me for this process to just be the responsibility of one person... and a browser.

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What i do


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I’m a web designer specializing in sites that my clients can manage and update on their own without any knowledge of HTML.” There are a lot of designers out there who want to have control of your site and charge you every time you make a change, but I’m not like that. So next time you think about redesigning your web site, give me a call and we’ll create a beautiful site you can update on your own.

  • Photoshop skills
  • Photography skills
  • Marketing skills
Adobe Softwares

Languages Skills




my skills


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