Alternative to Font Awesome
Aol got weary of the use of Font Awesome icons. Even though Font Awesome is great, an alternative icon set was created to make for a more elegant and unique design.
Aol got weary of the use of Font Awesome icons. Even though Font Awesome is great, an alternative icon set was created to make for a more elegant and unique design.
This icon set will complement your website or project. Choose from over 400 different icons, that have a unique style.
“Now, a symbol is not, properly speaking, either true or false; it is, rather, something more or less well selected to stand for the reality it represents, and pictures that reality in a more or less precise, or a more or less detailed manner.”
Choose an appropriate size to fit the compositition of your design
Allow the stroke to be thin as intended, or experiment and create it thicker
Choose from any color to allow visability or design correspondence.
Link straight with fontastic and use the icon set on the fly for your website.
Download the AI file and the SVG folder for the use of other applications.
Create your own custom icon to allow for a unique experience.